Plots the value, at each printed out iteration, of the population parameters (THETA, OMEGA or SIGMA) during an estimation step. Fixed parameters are not plotted.

plot_convergence(run, estimation_number = NULL, parameters = NULL,
  auto_legend = TRUE)



pmxploit NONMEM run object.


integer. Number of the estimation step. Default is NULL, plotting all the steps.


character. Either one of "theta", "omega" or "sigma" or a character vector of population parameters names. Default is NULL plotting all population parameters.


logical. When TRUE (default), default pmxploit plotting options are applied (title, labels, axis...).


A ggplot2 object.


EXAMPLERUN %>% plot_convergence()
#> Warning: Iteration values not found for the following parameter(s): OMEGA(ETCL,ETCL), OMEGA(EKON,EKON), OMEGA(EKIN,EKIN), OMEGA(EKDE,EKDE), OMEGA(ETQ,ETQ), OMEGA(ETV1,ETV1), OMEGA(ETV2,ETV2), OMEGA(ETKA,ETKA), OMEGA(ETF,ETF), SIGMA(EPS1,EPS1)
#> Error: All arguments must be named
EXAMPLERUN %>% plot_convergence(parameters = "theta")
#> Not shown fixed parameter(s): TKON, TVV2
EXAMPLERUN %>% plot_convergence(parameters = "omega")
#> Warning: Iteration values not found for the following parameter(s): OMEGA(ETCL,ETCL), OMEGA(EKON,EKON), OMEGA(EKIN,EKIN), OMEGA(EKDE,EKDE), OMEGA(ETQ,ETQ), OMEGA(ETV1,ETV1), OMEGA(ETV2,ETV2), OMEGA(ETKA,ETKA), OMEGA(ETF,ETF)
#> Error: All arguments must be character vectors, not NULL
EXAMPLERUN %>% plot_convergence(parameters = c(CL_pop = "THETA3"))
#> The following `from` values were not present in `x`: THETA3