Returns a table summarizing the results of estimation steps of a list of NONMEM runs.

compare_runs(runs = NULL, estimation_number = NULL)



a list of pmxploit NONMEM run objects.


(optional) integer. A vector of containing the position(s) of the estimation step(s) to compare in the runs. If estimation_number=-1, the last estimation step of each run will be selected. Default is NULL to consider all estimation steps.


A data frame.


Results are gathered in a nested data frame, containing one row per estimation step included in the comparison. Each row contains the following columns:

  • RUN_ID: the run identifying name/number.

  • INFO: information about the run (problem, number of observations, number of individuals and run duration).

  • FILES: a tibble containing the control stream name, the dataset name and the run archive path.

  • ESTIMATION: a nested tibble containing the following columns:

    • SUMMARY: a tibble containing the estimation results summary (method, OFV, termination status, duration...).

    • THETA: a tibble containing THETA parameters results.

    • OMEGA: a tibble containing OMEGA parameters results.

    • SIGMA: a tibble containing SIGMA parameters results.

    • ETABAR: a tibble containing ETABAR results.

    • SHRINKAGE: a tibble containing shrinking results.


compare_runs(list(EXAMPLERUN, EXAMPLERUN))
#> # A tibble: 2 x 4 #> RUN_ID INFO FILES ESTIMATION #> <chr> <list> <list> <list> #> 1 TMDD_Djebli_al <tibble [1 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 3]> <tibble [1 × 6]> #> 2 TMDD_Djebli_al <tibble [1 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 3]> <tibble [1 × 6]>